The following are pictures from the open studio I hosted at my art studio last month. Thanks to all who made the trip down, and look forward to seeing everyone at the next one!
Installation shots of the space where my new painting, Los Angeles Skyline [Dusk] is hanging. The opening reception is Thursday, Oct. 9 from 7-10pm. For those in town, the address is The Continental Building, 408 South Spring Street(at 4th Street). There are storefront windows looking in on the exhibition (on the East side of Spring) and Public Parking (on the West side of Spring). See you there!
As a sculptor with Local 755, I deliver quality craftsmanship and artistry to Hollywood’s most successful box office and television hits.
I work among a team of talented artists who model a ‘vision’ into a tangible piece of art. Starting with drawings, photographs, and historical references, a sculptor can synthesize numerous eclectic styles to execute a Production Designer’s vision. Together, we create environments, vehicles, statues, architecture, boats, spaceships, giant robots, and practically anything from realism to fantasy.